t is the little show that has taken the French capital by storm.
Since first opening in 2009, Olivier Giraud’s How to Become a Parisian
in One Hour? has quickly become one of the most popular and enduring
comedy shows in town. Based on Giraud’s keen observations about the
nature of Parisian people, the one-hour, all-English production, offers
tourists a hilarious and practical guide to local behaviour.
from Bordeaux, Giraud came to Paris to pursue a career as a chef. After
earning a diploma from Ferrandi, a leading culinary arts school, he
crossed the Atlantic to work as a maître d’hôtel in Palm Beach, Florida.
During his time abroad, Giraud was struck by the vast differences
between the Americans and the French. “I saw how different our two
cultures are and I also spoke to a lot of Americans who were worried
about travelling to Paris because of these differences or because they
thought that French people hated Americans.”
Having dreamt
of becoming a comedian, Giraud was inspired to create a show based on
the humorous cultural differences. After returning to Paris, he began
pursuing his idea in earnest, but was unable to find a backer. “Everyone
said that an all-English show could never work in Paris.” Undeterred,
Giraud put together his own production company, called French Arrogance
Prod in honour of his detractors, and in 2009 his dream finally became a
reality. After opening in a small comedy club, the show moved to its
current home at the larger Théâtre des Nouveautés in the 9th
arrondissement in the heart of the theatre district.
the show has been hugely popular with tourists. “It’s one of the only
theatre options for non-French speakers in Paris and they see it as a
sort of survival guide.” It also offers a rare shared experience for
both tourists and locals, as Giraud’s audience isn’t entirely from
abroad; Parisians make up a large portion of the crowd. “They like the
show because they can really identify with the things I’m talking about –
the rude waiters, the way people act on the métro.”
Giraud’s audience is growing beyond Paris, as he gives regular
performances in Brussels and London and has a new book in the works. His
UK shows have been extremely well received, especially among Parisian
expatriates in London as “it reminds them why they left Paris.” But in
spite of all his jokes, it is clear that Giraud’s heart still lies in
Paris. “I really love this city and the French way of life.”
Olivier Giraud appears regularly at the Théâtre des Nouveautés in Paris (tel: (Fr) 1 47 70 52 76, www.theatredesnouveautes.fr).
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